Best gay sex scenes movie

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(6) Jack Falahee & Niko Pepaj in How to Get Away With Murder Sure, it was called Girls, but this HBO series was all about the boys when gay actor Andrew Rannells took hilariously strict orders from bossy bottom Corey Stoll. (7) Andrew Rannells & Corey Stoll on Girls No show has reveled in its unabashed smuttiness quite like the supernatural gay series Dante’s Cove. (8) Dylan Vox, Josh Collins & More on Dante's Cove

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In the show’s most shocking scene, living legend Billy Porter has passionate sex with openly gay co-star Dyllón Burnside! Category is: Anal.

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Producer Ryan Murphy assembled one of the most diverse casts in TV history for his '80s ballroom drama Pose. (9) Dyllón Burnside & Billy Porter on Pose This groundbreaking series about O’Connell’s real-life experiences as a gay man thriving with mild cerebral palsy includes one of the most realistic and awkwardly sexy gay sex scenes ever when he hires a smoking-hot escort played by Alvarez.

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(10) Brian Jordan Alvarez & Ryan O'Connell on Special

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